Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 3C - Freestyle

I wonder, how do art and reading relate? This is along the same lines as my first freestyle, my daughter loved to color from an early age (1). She has always been meticulous in her art and is very good, she learns with exceptional speed she was reading halfway through Kindergarten with no prior school (Pre-school) and loves her school day, every bit of it.
My son has never liked to color or draw or do anything that requires him to sit down. He doesn't try to do well with any of his art projects and has a hard time grasping concepts.
I wonder, is it because of a 'built-in' attention to detail, maybe a part of the brain that develops more as to allow faster learning? Or is this just a coincidence that happens, most girls like art and do well in school and most boys prefer not to pick up a crayon or pencil unless absolutely necessary and take a little longer to enjoy the classroom. (My emphasis is on "most" not all)

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